For all certification classes, please allow 7 business days for course processing and creation of certification cards. Please note that NO certification cards will be issued until payment has been received.
Emergency Pediatric Care (EPC) course focus on the care of sick and injured children, addressing a full spectrum of emergency illnesses, injuries and scenarios that an EMS practitioner might encounter. The course provides an in-depth understanding of the pathophysiology of the most common pediatric emergency issues, and stresses critical thinking skills to help practitioners make the best decisions for their patients.
EPC uses the Pediatric Assessment Triangle (PAT) as a tool to help EMS practitioners rapidly and accurately assess pediatric patients and incorporates family centered care throughout all scenarios. Training encompasses lectures, hands-on skills practice and small group critical thinking discussions.
Topics include: understanding kids; airway, breathing and oxygenation; cardiac emergencies; child abuse and neglect; common medical emergencies; the importance of family; hypoperfusion and shock; newborn resuscitation; pediatric trauma; and special health care needs.
To register, please download the form on the right and submit by one of the following methods.
Email: hbeegle@bedfordambulance.org
Fax: (814)623-0648
Mail: PO Box 625
Bedford, PA 15522
Pre-registration for this course is required. The deadline for pre-registration is July 13. To register after this date, please contact us at 814-623-6534.
For additional information, please contact:
Heather Beegle
July 15th 6:00pm - 10:00pm
July 16th 9:00am - 5:00pm
Must be present both days
Cost: $15/person
Location: Bedford Area Ambulance Service
Registration Dealine: July 13
Pre-registration is required.
Registration Form
This is a fillable form. To complete the form, simply click on each field to enter your text. Once the form is complete, save the form to print for signature. You may also use a digital signature for signing once you have saved the document. Please do not forget to sign your form. Once signed, please submit your form by one of the methods listed on the form.
You may also print this form if you prefer to complete by hand.